- 1.您填写的如下正文内容将以邮件形式进行转发至域名持有人/管理联系人/技术联系人邮箱。
- The following body content will be forwarded to domain registrant/administrator/technical via email.
- 2. 您需对您的转发请求以及填写的邮件内容做出判断,并对给收件人造成的影响承担相应责任。例如:请勿发送垃圾邮件或者其他形式的滥用通信。
- You need to make judgement on your forwarding request and mail content with full responsibility for all impacts on the recipient. DO NOT send spam emails.
- 3. 我们仅提供自动转发服务,不对邮件包含信息进行过滤,或对邮件内容的准确性、完整性承担法律明确规定之外的责任。
- We only provides auto-forwarding service and does not take responsibility for mail content, accuracy or completeness.
- 4. 您应理解,鉴于网络通信的特点,您的邮件内容可能无法准确及/或及时送达其它系统,亦可能被收件人系统拦截,您认可此类错误、遗漏以及造成的其他后果与是否通过我司转发无关,由您自行承担。
- Please note your mail may be intercepted or not delivered timely due to network connection error. You acknowledge and agree that such errors are not related to our forwarding service.
- 5. 我司仅为自己管理的域名提供转发服务,其他域名请联系对应的域名注册商。
- Our auto-forwarding service only applies to domains managed by us. Please contact the corresponding registrar for other domains.
没有该域名相关信息,请联系对应域名服务商。(This domain is not managed by us.Please contact the corresponding registrar for other domains)